Say hello to a nourishing 30 day journey that goes beyond fad diets, meal replacement shakes and bars. My book is your comprehensive guide to feeling and looking your best any time of the year, whether you want to get into special dress of just want to look and feel great this year, this is the book for you. A transformative journey to help you support your hormones so you look and feel your absolute best. What is included?: Trusted and evidence-based advice written by me, a fully qualified nutritional therapist who specialises in women's hormone health. Years of expertise condensed into a digestible format, evidence-backed food advice that you can rely on. Increase your energy, sleep better and wake up refreshed, lose some excess pounds, especially around the middle, feel clarity and a calmer mind, and and an overall sense of wellbeing as you discover what foods support you and your hormones. Discover the power of foods that not only fuel your body but also increase your energy, nourish your skin so you can look radiant. Help for getting you organised prior to starting the food plan, includes mindset advice to get you ready & raring to go so you set yourself up not only with your mind, you also make sure your cupboards/pantry are too. Discover the principles of eating for hormone health to get the most benefits, I will explain what foods to enjoy to get the most out of the 4 weeks. Learn how to eat in a way that is a healthy nourishing way, so forget the diets; enjoy foods that are nourishing choices and can use for life.